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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

BMX Zone proposals Please complete this questionnaire with your thoughts and opinions of the possibility of installing BMX park facilities into Beechwood Park.
Please complete and return the enclosed
Questionnaire in the FREEPOST self
addressed envelope.
Beechwood Park REF :- BMX Zone proposals
Dear Resident / Park user,
There is the opportunity to create some BMX track facilities at Beechwood Park. The need for some BMX dirt track facilities within the Beechwood park area has been identified by the local group, Friends of Beechwood Park. The facility will be made from imported material and can be removed if necessary. It will form a dirt track for BMX and mountain bikes.
As part of the consultation process for the potential BMX zone, we are seeking your views and ideas to consider the way forward. Attached is a questionnaire for you to complete and return (and stamp addressed envelope), your response is extremely important to the outcome. If you would like to know any more information or have any questions, please get in touch.
Safer Cleaner Greener Team
North East Halifax - parks@calderdale.gov.uk
Friends of Beechwood Park 1. Do you use Beechwood Park at the moment? YES / NO Please delete as appropriate Beechwood Park BMX proposals 2. If you answered YES to Question 1, in what way do you currently use the space?
Dog walking
Playing football / other sports
Meeting friends
Use Green Gym / Trim trail equipment
Use Skate Zone
Other (please specify) ____________________
3. Would you support BMX dirt track facilities at the proposed location?
(Please delete as appropriate) See map below: Optional information:
NAME ?…………………………………………………………………………………………..
ADDRESS? ............................................................................................
Age? 0-12 13-17 18-24
25-34 35-44 44-54
55-64 65+
Please tick if you would like to receive the ‘Friday flyer’ local newsletter? This includes local community information and upcoming events.
Please tick if you would like to be involved with the Friends of Beechwood Park.
4. What effects do you think the BMX Zone will have on the local area ?
5. How would you currently rate Beechwood Park?
(from 1—10. 1 being poor and 10 being outstanding)
Any other comments.
Examples of how the BMX Zone could look:

This questionnaire should be going out to local residents very soon, local children and parents attended the last Friends of Beechwood Park meeting and asked if this track could become a reality. Myself and another Councillor attended the meeting and i am fully supportive of the proposals. As the text below explains, if the track causes too much Anti Social Behaviour, it can,  and will be removed within days. Apart from the printing of the questionnaire, there is no other cost to ratepayers, as the topsoil is to be donated free and local parents and children will make the track themselves.
Telephone: 01422 393215 or 01422 323824 (Answer phone outside office areas)
Email: Parks@Calderdale.gov.uk
Website: www.calderdale.gov.uk

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