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Thursday, 31 March 2011


Do sufficient numbers of our English people fully grasp the terrible damage inflicted on Mother England by mass immigration legal or illegal and the vicious, anti-white racist cult of multiculturalism? Will we, as a people, find the will to act to defend ourselves from this invasion and the sickness within or will we as a people just perish in shame?
Does a nation deserve to survive if it will not take the necessary steps for its own survival? What is it about a people that were so resolute and determined to resist Hitler in the summer of the Spitfire and Hurricane yet have allowed themselves to be overrun by aliens from without and traitors from within?
There used to be men and women of honour, moral and intellectual courage in the Mother of Parliaments. What do we have now? Our political class are parasites and Quislings who have betrayed England who see no point in protecting and nurturing that which has been created and forged over the centuries. Our politicians do not serve England: they serve those who hate us and would enslave us.
My English heart beats faster, more urgently when I recall Nelson’s words before Trafalgar or Churchill’s as we bore the brunt of the Luftwaffe. Yet when I see what is happening to England I am cast into a pit of despair and loneliness. Yet in this despair and loneliness I am conscious that there is something greater than I; that England, my land, my people, my history, the shame and the glory must be defended from her violators.
The land of my birth is not a brothel for the world. She is my holy Mother. On a cold, wind-swept Yorkshire moor or in a soft Kentish meadow on a summer’s day I feel her love for me, her strength. I crave her love. I cannot live without it. I cannot bear to see her mocked, derided and treated like a whore. And through the trees and leaves, in the singing of the trout stream and in the silent frost of winter she calls out to me, her wayward son, still the little English boy, with a message for England’s men and women: “Do not abandon me to whoredom dishonour and slavery. Remember you are come of a great people. The sternest tests are still before you. So use, my sons and daughters, your hearts and minds and fight the great evil and pestilence which have fallen upon us.
And if you are true to the spirit and soul of our ancestors, victory in this struggle will be ours. God bless you”.

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