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Monday, 27 February 2012


Just back from the budget council meeting at the Town hall. The list below is what you will pay in the coming year. I did ask cabinet to reconsider it's decision to shut Heathy House in Holmfield, explaining in the council chamber what a fantastic asset it is to Calderdale and what a great job the staff do. But sadly, the decision had already been made and just needed rubber stamping. I did vote for the cabinets budget and not the Conservative one which sought to half funding to North Halifax. Typical Tories were saying that we should stop throwing pots of money into North Halifax (what money) tonight they showed their true colours and that is why they keep getting rejected in Illingworth & Mixenden ward. They also had plans to merge services with Kirklees and change our boundaries, and these too were widely rejected.
BAND A; £939.88
BAND B; £1096.52
BAND C; £1253.17
BAND D; £1409.81
BAND E; £1723.10
BAND F; £2036.38
BAND G; £2349.69
BAND H; £2819.62                      HEATHY HOUSE TO CLOSE

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


At tonights full council meeting(all 51 councillors are supposed to turn up) i voted in favour of a Cabinet amendment to end all current consultation on the central library and archives and commence a new detailed consultation, to begin in June. The cabinet agreed that they had got it wrong in the two previous exercises and the details of the new process were still to be decided. This is without doubt because of the publics condemnation of previous one sided exercises the cabinet has put out. Hopefully once this 12 week period of consultation has been finished and the results collated, we can move on and make decisions which are in everybodys interests, and not just for political gain. The cynical part of me wonders why this has been put on the back burner until after the local elections in May, but i'm sure that's just me.